
What Are The Side Effects Of Microdermabrasion?

What Are The Side Effects Of Microdermabrasion

Exfoliating the skin with microdermabrasion can help reduce the visible signs of aging and give the appearance of a more even skin tone. The treatment is risk-free for people of all skin types. However, to truly determine whether or not microdermabrasion is an effective treatment, we will investigate the procedure and its side effects in great detail in this blog.

But first, here is a quick overview of microdermabrasion.

What Is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that does not involve any invasive techniques. The expert uses a wand that sprays or rubs fine crystals onto the skin, gently exfoliating the skin’s surface and removing the top layer. The goal is to give the appearance of having a younger skin.

The procedure shouldn’t cause any discomfort to the patient. We estimate that the total time required for the face is only 30–40 minutes, and the time needed for the neck is only 20 minutes. After the procedure, you might experience mild swelling or symptoms similar to sunburn for a few days. A skin care specialist may recommend five to sixteen treatments for a person before the individual notices a discernible slowing of the aging process.

Treatments can be administered once every week, every two weeks, or once per month, depending on the individual’s skin type and the reason for receiving treatment. The face and neck are the areas of the body that receive the most microdermabrasion treatments, but a trained professional can perform the procedure on any part of the skin.

However, the results are not permanent because the skin will continue to age even after rejuvenating.

Microdermabrasion Side Effects

When performed correctly, microdermabrasion is a very risk-free procedure. Since microdermabrasion is only applied on the skin’s uppermost layers, the procedure’s side effects are typically mild. If an experienced and diligent provider performs your microdermabrasion treatment, the risk you will experience is extremely low.

Before your treatment begins, the provider performing your microdermabrasion will go over any potential risks and side effects with you. Still, in the meantime, we will go over the most common ones. Keep in mind that not everyone will experience these adverse effects. You might get one or two, the whole thing, or nothing. It depends on the person’s skin and the circumstances.

Side Effects You May Experience From Microdermabrasion

  • Flaky And Dry Skin: Flakiness and dryness are not uncommon for patients following a microdermabrasion treatment. The good news is that this problem usually fixes itself in less than a week. You only need to apply a bit more moisturizer than usual as part of your regular skincare routine. On the other hand, if you usually have very oily skin, the fact that it isn’t as oily as usual is likely to be a relief to you.
  • Sun Sensitive Skin: Microdermabrasion, like other deep exfoliating treatments, can potentially make your skin more photosensitive. Photosensitivity refers to the skin’s increased sensitivity to the sun. In other words, in the days directly following your treatment, your skin will be more prone to sun damage, and you will have a higher risk of sunburn. Going to the beach right now is not a good idea at all! Always protect your skin from the sun by putting on sunblock with an SPF of at least 30. Regardless of whether or not you have microdermabrasion treatments, this is a good skincare routine to have.
  • Redness: After a microdermabrasion treatment, most patients notice that their skin has a pinkish to a reddish hue. In most cases, the condition resembles a very light sunburn and disappears after only a few hours. Suppose you have susceptible skin or had a more aggressive microdermabrasion treatment to rectify a specific skin issue. In that case, you will have more prominent redness that may take a day or more to fade away completely, and this is because microdermabrasion works by exfoliating the top layer of skin to remove dead cells. Ask your provider what kind of redness you should anticipate after the procedure.
  • Minimal Abrasions: After a treatment, it is not uncommon for patients to experience minor skin irritation, including pinpoint bleeding or abrasions. This occurs after an especially strenuous course of treatment. In certain instances, your provider might have a purpose in mind for the additional work they are doing on your skin—in this case, it should’ve been discussed during consultation. A careless approach to treatment is the only other possible explanation. As with bruises, abrasions aren’t always entirely preventable, but having a significant number of them indicates an incompetent provider.
  • Bruising: Due to the vacuum effect that the microdermabrasion device has on the skin, there is a possibility of bruising, particularly in the areas of the face that have thin skin, such as around the eyes. Even though it’s impossible to prevent bruising entirely, it doesn’t often happen, especially if the person performing the procedure is skilled. Your risk of getting bruises is increased if you have particularly delicate or thin skin or if you are taking a particular medication. In addition, some people have a lighter skin structure than others do. Please let your healthcare provider know if any of these pertain to you so that she can take the necessary precautions while caring for you.
  • Cold Sores: If you are prone to getting cold sores, you probably already know that certain things, like spicy foods, the sun, and stress, seem to bring on an outbreak. You can also include microdermabrasion on the list if you’d like to. It takes place after you have microdermabrasion performed in the area of your lips. If you have a history of cold sores, you should avoid applying treatment to the area around your lips. However, if you want microdermabrasion to improve the appearance of fine lines that develop around the mouth, this isn’t always the best way to go about it. You might also consider consulting your doctor about possibly using medication to prevent cold sores before having your treatment done.


Many of these side effects of microdermabrasion are primarily preventable if you pick the right provider for the task. Fortunately for you, it’s not that much trouble, contact us and drop by our clinic, Amara Rejuve. We offer services that help patients address their skin and wellness concerns. 

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